Santa Rosa California
Chapter 124 of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Founded in 1962
Home of the Famous CAFE Foundation

Chapter Meeting
Join us for our Chapter Meeting, dinner, and presentation held each month on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:15 pm.

Newsletter Archive
The Flying Wire contains Program Information, Girls and other Eagles, Notes From the Editor, Aviation Links, Board & General Meeting Minutes, Contact Information

Events & Announcements
Bringing together individuals interested in learning more about aviation. See the list of upcoming aviation events, announcements, and Chapter functions.

Young Eagles
Girls in Aviation – Young Eagles Flights, Fly-In, and EAA Chapter 124 Open House.
Special Thanks to the Sonoma County Airport, North Coast Aviation, Sonoma Jet Center, and the Pacific Coast Air Museum for their essential support in making this event a huge success.
Pacific Coast Air Museum
EDUCATING and INSPIRING everyone about our aviation heritage, PRESERVING historic aircraft and HONORING veterans.

We are driven by values
All of our members have equal status, and all are encouraged to participate in our Chapter’s functions. You need not own an airplane, and you don’t even need to be a pilot. All you need is a love for airplanes, and if you have that, you will be among friends!
Come aboard and share some of the fun. Visit our Membership page to find out about becoming a member of Chapter 124!